Medically Assisted Treatment

The Benefits of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

At Overcoming Addictions LLC, we’re all about using Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) to help folks beat addiction. This method mixes FDA-approved meds with counseling and behavioral therapies to treat the whole person, not just the addiction.

Why MAT Rocks

MAT has some serious perks for those fighting Substance Use Disorder (SUD). First off, it helps bridge the gap between the number of people needing help and the number of treatment centers available. By offering MAT in primary care settings, doctors can treat folks right in their communities, making it easier and cheaper to get help. Plus, it builds a strong bond between the doctor and the patient, which is super important for success.

Another big win for MAT is that it tackles the root causes of substance use when combined with traditional therapy. This all-around approach not only helps with recovery but also prevents opioid overdoses.

How Well MAT Works

MAT is a game-changer for treating opioid addiction and other substance use disorders. Studies show it cuts down the need for inpatient detox. For opioid use disorder, MAT can lower the chances of relapse and reduce the risk of getting HIV or hepatitis C.

MAT is especially good at tackling opioid addiction, with strong support from medical and public health experts.

At Overcoming Addictions LLC, we use the proven power of MAT in our virtual treatment programs to give our patients top-notch care. We know how tough addiction can be and use every tool at our disposal, including MAT, to help our patients on their road to recovery. When you choose us for your treatment, you’re picking a thorough, evidence-based approach to beating addiction.

The Benefits of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Understanding Medication Options

When you’re looking at medically assisted treatment, knowing your medication choices is key. Different meds work differently on the body, and they can be customized to fit each person’s needs. At Overcoming Addictions LLC, we offer three main types: Methadone, Buprenorphine, and Naltrexone.

Methadone Treatment

Methadone is a long-lasting opioid that helps ease cravings, gets your body back on track, and reduces the high from other opioids. It’s like a safety net for those struggling with opioid addiction. Methadone occupies receptors in the brain, cutting down on withdrawal pain and the euphoric effects of other opioids. But heads up, there’s a higher risk of overdose in the first two weeks of treatment. After that, the risk drops a lot.

Buprenorphine Treatment

Buprenorphine is a partial opioid agonist, which means it can curb cravings and withdrawal without the extreme highs and lows of drug abuse. It’s great for less severe addiction cases and is usually given in a doctor’s office or treatment program.

Buprenorphine has a strong hold on opioid receptors, reducing cravings and the “reward” if someone uses opioids while on it. Plus, it has a lower overdose risk compared to Methadone.

Naltrexone Treatment

Naltrexone is an opioid blocker. It stops opioids from activating receptors, cutting down cravings and preventing a high. It’s given as a long-acting shot, perfect for those who have trouble sticking to a daily pill routine.

Choosing the right medication depends on the person’s needs and how severe their addiction is. Our team at Overcoming Addictions LLC will evaluate each patient and work together to pick the best option for their recovery. The goal is to find the most effective treatment to help them beat addiction and stay clean for the long haul.

Understanding Medication Option

Making MAT Work in Primary Care

Getting Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) right in a primary care setting isn’t just about handing out meds. It’s about follow-up, communication, and tackling the bumps along the way.

MAT in Your Doctor's Office

Lately, some primary care offices have started offering MAT to bridge the gap between folks needing help with Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and the number of treatment centers available. This means your local doctor can now provide treatment, making it easier and cheaper for you to get help (PubMed). Plus, having your regular doctor involved can build a stronger, more trusting relationship, which is key for beating addiction.

But there’s a catch. Doctors who want to prescribe more than just naltrexone need a special waiver from the Drug Addiction Treatment Act 2000. This involves some extra training and limits on how many patients they can treat.

Keeping in Touch

One big part of making MAT work is follow-up. Your doctor needs to stay in touch with your therapist to make sure everything’s on track. This kind of teamwork is crucial for making sure your treatment sticks (PubMed).

The Hiccups

One problem with offering MAT in a regular doctor’s office is that it might mess with your ongoing therapy. Federal law says you need therapy if you’re getting MAT. If your doctor can’t provide it, they have to send you to someone who can.

Good news is, most health insurance plans cover at least some of your MAT treatment. Thanks to the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008, insurance plans have to treat substance use disorders the same way they treat medical or surgical issues (American Addiction Centers).

At Overcoming Addictions LLC, we get it. That’s why we offer 100% virtual treatment. We work closely with you and your therapist to keep everything running smoothly. Our mission is to make MAT easy and effective, no matter where you are.

Getting MAT Services

Taking the first step to beat addiction with medically assisted treatment (MAT) can be a game-changer. At Overcoming Addictions LLC, we aim to make this journey as smooth as possible, offering guidance and support every step of the way.

Getting MAT Services

Where to Find MAT

MAT services are pretty accessible and can be found in various places like SAMHSA-accredited opioid treatment programs or even your local doctor's office, depending on the medication. Overcoming Addictions LLC offers 100% virtual treatment, so you can get help right from your couch.

As of 2020, the FDA has approved three medications for treating opioid use disorder: methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone. But heads up, there are no FDA-approved meds for cannabis, hallucinogen, or stimulant use disorders yet.

Does Insurance Cover MAT?

Good news! Most health insurance plans cover at least part of MAT treatment, sometimes even the whole thing. Thanks to the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008, group health insurance plans must offer the same benefits for substance use disorders as they do for medical or surgical care. Check with your insurance provider or reach out to our team for help figuring out your benefits.

What to Keep in Mind

Over 2 million people in the US are battling opioid use disorder, showing just how big the opioid addiction crisis is. This makes accessible and effective MAT services super important.

Remember, while MAT can help manage cravings and ease withdrawal symptoms, it's not a magic bullet. At Overcoming Addictions LLC, we believe in a well-rounded approach to treating substance use disorders. This means combining medication with therapy, counseling, support groups, and lifestyle changes.

Choosing Overcoming Addictions LLC for your treatment means you're getting a team of experienced pros dedicated to personalized care. With our 100% virtual treatment, we can support you no matter where you are. Through our MAT services, we aim to help you take back control of your life and start your recovery journey.

MAT for Opioid Addiction

Dealing with the opioid crisis is no small feat, but Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is a game-changer in the recovery process. MAT is especially effective for opioid use disorders (OUD), combining FDA-approved meds with counseling and behavioral therapies to treat the whole person (SAMHSA).

MAT for Opioid Use Disorder

The three FDA-approved meds for OUD are Methadone, Buprenorphine, and Naltrexone. These meds help curb opioid cravings, making it easier for folks to break free from the triggers that lead to use (NCBI Bookshelf).

How Well Does MAT Work?

Research shows Methadone, Buprenorphine, and Naltrexone are champs at reducing opioid use, easing OUD symptoms, cutting down the risk of infectious diseases, and lowering drug-related crime. Plus, they boost the chances of sticking with treatment, which means fewer overdoses, less HIV and HCV transmission, fewer run-ins with the law, and better job prospects.

Take Naltrexone (XR-NTX) for example. A study found that folks on XR-NTX had 90% confirmed abstinent weeks compared to just 35% in the placebo group.

Comparing MAT Medications

Each of the three FDA-approved MAT meds has its perks and considerations. Generally, Methadone and Buprenorphine, used indefinitely, are seen as the safest bets for treating OUD. These treatments cut mortality rates by 50% among people with OUD (NCBI Bookshelf).

Wrapping It Up

MAT for opioid addiction, when done right and tailored to each person, can be a powerful ally in the fight against addiction. At Overcoming Addictions LLC, we use these proven strategies in our patient-focused approach to treatment. With our 100% virtual treatment options, we offer the support and resources needed to help individuals conquer their opioid addiction.

MAT for Substance Use Disorders

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) isn’t just for opioid addiction. It’s a versatile tool that can help with various substance use disorders. Let’s break down how MAT works beyond opioids, its broader benefits, and why a comprehensive approach is key.

Expanded Uses of MAT

MAT isn’t a cookie-cutter solution; it’s flexible and can be tailored to different substance use disorders. The FDA has approved several medications to meet individual needs, aiding in successful recovery and preventing opioid overdose.

For example, the FDA has given the green light to acamprosate, disulfiram, and naltrexone for Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). For Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), medications like buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone are used. These drugs help ease withdrawal symptoms, curb cravings, and stabilize brain chemistry without swapping one addiction for another.

Benefits Beyond Opioid Addiction

MAT’s perks extend beyond just tackling opioid addiction. Studies show that MAT can lower the risk of HIV or hepatitis C by reducing relapse chances.

The FDA has also approved naloxone and nalmefene to reverse opioid overdoses. These life-saving drugs counteract the toxic effects of an overdose, with naloxone being deemed essential by the World Health Organization for any effective healthcare system.

Comprehensive MAT Approach

MAT’s success lies in its all-encompassing strategy. Combining medications with counseling and behavioral therapies offers a “whole-patient” approach to treating substance use disorders. This method has earned praise from medical and public health experts (New Choices Treatment Centers).

At Overcoming Addictions LLC, we stand by this approach. We tailor treatments to each person’s needs and offer virtual care to make comprehensive treatment accessible, no matter where you are. We know every recovery journey is unique, and we’re dedicated to providing the best MAT options to support you along the way.

MAT for Substance Use Disorders

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